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Kyrgyzstan Vows to Thoroughly Investigate the Terrorist Attack and Punish Those Responsible
2016-08-30 08:57

On August 30, 2016, Foreign Minister Wang Yi held telephone talks with Foreign Minister Erlan Abdyldaev of Kyrgyzstan.

Erlan Abdyldaev expressed that the Kyrgyz side condemns the suicide terrorist attack against the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan in the strongest terms. On behalf of Kyrgyz leaders, he conveyed sympathy to the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan and those injured in the attack. Erlan Abdyldaev said that the Kyrgyz side has taken all emergency measures after the attack, and will certainly carry out a thorough investigation and punish those responsible. Kyrgyzstan will do its utmost to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens and institutions in the country. The Kyrgyz side is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in anti-terrorism and other areas and jointly fight against the "three evil forces".

Wang Yi strongly condemned the attack against the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan, and asked the Kyrgyz side to find out the truth as soon as possible, punish those responsible and avoid a reoccurrence of such attacks. China supports both sides to further deepen anti-terrorism cooperation so as to safeguard common security interests.

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