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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao's Remarks on the Middle East Question
2006-06-02 00:00

Q: The Middle East Quartet has announced that "renouncement of violence, recognition of Israel and implementation of the agreements between Palestine and Israel" will be three prerequisite for contact with Hamas and assistance to Palestine. How does China assess these conditions? Besides, Palestine's Foreign Minister Zahar will be in China for the second Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum. Will China try to persuade Hamas to accept the three conditions?

A: Parties concerned of the Middle East Question should make efforts to solve disputes through political negotiation so as to achieve peaceful coexistence on the basis of relevant UN resolutions and the principle of "land for peace". The current situation in the Middle East is worrying. China does not favor political isolation and economic blockade. In the meantime, we urge Hamas to proceed from the fundamental interest of the Palestinian people, abandon violence, recognize Israel and accept the existing agreement reached between Palestine and Israel. We will take the opportunity of Foreign Minister Zahar's visit to explain our principled position.

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