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 HOME > News > 2003 > June
Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing Addresses the Second Ministerial Meeting of Asia Cooperation Dialogue
2003-06-22 00:00

On June 22, 2003, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing spoke at the Second Ministerial Meeting of Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD). He noted that since its establishment one year ago, the ACD has made important progress in promoting Asian cooperation, not only launching the Asia-wide cooperation, but also enhancing the Asian countries' sense of cooperation. As an official cooperation and dialogue mechanism for all Asia, the ACD has opened new channels for promoting regional cooperation and created a unique cooperation model. The ACD stresses dialogue on an equal footing and negotiation to reach an agreement, which conforms to the diversified characteristics of the Asian region and takes into consideration the concerns of the parties. Positive progress in cooperation in some areas has been achieved. 14 countries have already initiated cooperation in 17 areas. As the prime mover of the ACD's agricultural cooperation, China would like to share experiences and technologies in agricultural development with Asian countries in an effort to advance regional agricultural development. China has presented a concept document on agricultural cooperation to the current meeting. On the ACD’s future cooperation direction, Li said that based on mutual understanding and trust, the ACD should focus on economic cooperation and coordination with other regional cooperative mechanisms so as to enhance cooperation and dialogues among Asian nations in a step-by-step manner and to gradually put in place intellectual support.

Li stressed that being a member the ACD, China is committed to push forward cooperation among Asian countries and will host the third ACD informal foreign ministerial meeting in June 2004.

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